
Showing posts with the label spicy

Spicy Potato Chips / स्पाइसी आलू चिप्स / સ્પાઈસી બટાકા ચિપ્સ

Ingredients / सामग्री / સામગ્રી -:  1) Chopped Potatoes (Chips Type) / कटे हुए आलू (चिप्स के जैसे) / સમારેલા બટાકા (ચિપ્સ      જેવા ) - : 5 to 6 Piece 2) Mustard / सरसो / રાઈ - : 1/4 TSP  3) Oil / तेल / તેલ - : 3 to 4 TSP 4) Red Chili Powder / लाल मिर्च पाउडर / લાલ મરચું પાવડર - : 1 TSP 5) Turmeric Powder / हल्दी / હળદર - : 1/4 TSP  6) Salt / नमक / મીઠું - : As per Taste 7) Chopped Coriander / कटा हुआ हरा धनिया / સમારેલું કોથમીર - : 1/2 TSP 8) Coriander Powder / धनिया पाउडर / ધાણા પાવડર - : 1/2 TSP 9) Chaat Masala / चाट मसाला / ચાટ મસાલો - : 1/2 TSP  Preparation - :  First remove the peel of the potatoes and chop them into 4 parts like chips. Then wash them with water 2 to 3 times. Then take a pan. Put oil in it to heat. When the oil is hot, add mustard to it. Then cover the pan and let it simmer for 5 minutes on a low flame. Then add turmeric powder, salt, red chili powder, coriander powder and chaat masala and stir well. And let the lid be on a low flame. As the